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Herrera Marco

Construction Directory
San Ramon, CA, 94582

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About Herrera Marco

Herrera Marco

Herrera Marco, based in San Ramon, California are a company in the US Construction Directory mainly listed under the category of Residential Remodelers, but also listed under
  • Residential Remodelers
  • General Building Contractors
  • Construction of Single-Family Houses
  • Solar Rooms And Additions
For 75 years, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) has been dedicated to the grand vision of a united planet. We envision a democratically governed world where everyone lives in peace, justice, and freedom. But how can such an idealistic dream be achieved?
We will get there by building democratic international institutions of governance to empower all of humanity, according to universal human values. You may say that we are dreamers, but this goal is more practical than waiting for our current weak and fragmented system of global governance to address the dire threats facing our planet, threats like pandemics, radical climate change, loss of biodiversity, rising inequality, and nuclear war. Working together, we believe the goal of a United Federation of Nations can be achieved by 2045, the 100th anniversary of the UN.
We need your ideas, your support, and your voice.  You may have questions like these …
What will this governed world look like in 2045? ?We envision a federal government of all humankind that unites the nations and all citizens of the world under a constitution built on the principles followed by the United States and other great nations.  These principles include the separation of powers, a legislature elected by the world’s peoples to establish just and enforceable world laws, a bill of rights to protect our freedoms, and world courts to adjudicate disputes.
How will you end war and solve the threat of climate catastrophe? War will be outlawed – with disputes adjudicated in courts. Military aggression, human rights abuses, assaults on the environment – these will be treated as crimes committed by individual leaders and prosecuted as such.  The first order of business for a democratically elected world parliament will be the abolition of war and the institution of universally binding global climate agreements.
How is it possible to achieve justice on a planetary scale? To do so, we must build a world legal system dedicated to holding individuals, rather than nations, responsible for crimes against peoples and the global environment. Visualize with us a planetary bill of rights, judiciously guarded, with a constitutional balance of power to prevent excesses by any branch of the world government.
Wouldn’t all of this mean more government and taxes, when most of us want less of those things? The US spent over $775 billion on defense in fiscal year 2020, slightly more than the next 11 nations combined.   Under a United Federation of Nations those tax dollars could be put to better use.  They could fund a government serving the needs of all humanity thereby sustaining a safer, healthier world and eliminating hunger everywhere.
Read the World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy’s international journal with special content from Citizens for Global Solutions.

Company Details

Contact Information

Company Name
Herrera Marco
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2040 Canyon Woods Dr
San Ramon, California, 94582
United States
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